How to manage email accounts in PLESK Imprimer

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Creating an e-mail account

To create a new e-mail account in Plesk, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Plesk.
  2. Locate the domain for which you want to manage e-mail, and then click Mail:

    Plesk - Mail icon

  3. Click Create Email Address.
  4. In the Email address text box, type the name for the new account. The domain name is automatically appended to the e-mail account name.
  5. Select the Access to the Customer Panel check box to allow the account user to have access to the Customer Panel.
  6. In the Password and Confirm password text boxes, type the password that you want to use to access the e-mail account, or click Generate to automatically create a secure password.
  7. Confirm the Mailbox check box is selected.
  8. Specify the mailbox size or use the default size.
  9. In the Description in Plesk text box, type a note or comment related to the e-mail account, or leave the field blank.
  10. Click OK. Plesk creates the e-mail account.

Modifying an e-mail account

To edit the settings of an existing e-mail account, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Plesk.
  2. Locate the domain for which you want to manage e-mail, and then click Mail:

    Plesk - Mail icon

  3. Click the e-mail address you want to edit. Plesk displays the same page that you used to create the e-mail account, which enables you to change any of its settings.

Deleting an e-mail account

To permanently delete an e-mail account, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to Plesk.
  2. Locate the domain for which you want to manage e-mail, and then click Mail:

    Plesk - Mail icon

  3. Select the check box next to the e-mail account you want to remove.
  4. Click Remove.

    Deleting an e-mail account deletes all e-mail currently in the account, including new messages, sent messages, and so on. Make sure that you download any e-mail that you want to retain before you delete an account. After you delete an account, the information is unrecoverable.
  5. Click Yes to confirm the deletion. Plesk deletes the e-mail account.

More Information

For more information about Plesk, please visit

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